This page is for new club members (or existing members here for the first time).

Due to a new requirement by the FAI all full AAC memberships must complete additional registration forms for issue of an annual FAI License. At this stage the forms will need to be printed, scanned and returned to the Secretary.

  1. FAI License Application form
  2. Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUE) form . Use this form if taking medications which contain substances listed on the WADA Prohibited List.

After registration with the Australian Aerobatic Club, the above, and payment cleared you will receive your AAC Membership and FAI License. You will also have access to upload your Competition Documents.

Please complete the MailChimp registration to receive information regarding competitions and the club.


Upon submission of your application for membership to the Australian Aerobatic Club it will be deemed:

  1. You agree you shall at all times be bound by the Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Australian Aerobatic Club Limited and any Rules and By-Laws which may be in effect from time to time.
  2. You have read and accept the indemnity document named Aerobatics can be Dangerous.

[wpmem_form register]


Mail Chimp Registration